Gamma Globulins Specific

Gamma globulins are specific. The name specific suggests their difference from the entire class of globulins or from substances that are simpler in structure - immunoglobulins. For example, alpha globulin has a simpler primary structure, and it combines many functions, which is characteristic of cationic proteins or, for example, families of unfractionated globular proteins. The latter also differ in the level of structural complexity, which determines their possible function, so they are usually divided into fractions: B1, B2 or individual proteins. Gamma globulin analysis is carried out in clinical diagnostic laboratories and pathology research institutes to identify various types of immune deficiencies and imbalances in protein metabolism.

Gamma globulin class of specific proteins is part of immunoglobulin class G (sometimes only this subtype is isolated). It is also considered as a separate class of isotypic blood plasma proteins