Ethacridine Lactate (Rivanol)

What is Ethacridine Lactate?

***Ethacridyl lactate or Rivanol*** is an antiseptic dye that is used for the treatment and prevention of a number of diseases: gynecological, urological and others.

It contains the active substance Ethacrindin, which acts as a local antimicrobial agent. Ethacrine is a combination of two substances - Rivon and Krilactin. It was developed in 1892 and is used today to treat skin, mucous membranes and tumors.

Manufacturer Ethacridine Lactate

Manufacturer of Ethacridine Lactose - Akrikhinom KhFK company, Russia. The Akrikhin company specializes in the production of medicines and cosmetics. The company's activities cover a wide range of areas - from the production of generics to innovative pharmaceutical developments.

Rivarola comes in four forms: emulsion, oil suspension, amorphous white mass, and liquid suspension with coconut oil and glycerin. All forms are available both for over-the-counter pharmacy sale and for dispensing from pharmacies and medical institutions. Prices for the drug vary from 900 to 1300 rubles. The availability of ethacridalact is determined by the presence of the active substance. There are generic analogues of domestic and foreign production on the market.