Euphoric mania

Euphoric addicts: Where do people get their money? Today I want to talk about a new form of addiction that is sweeping the world. This is called euphoric addiction. In this article we will look at what euphoric addicts are, how they make money and what problems may be associated with this addiction.

Who are euphoric addicts? A euphoric addict is a person who is addicted to a certain drug or substance that causes him strong emotions and pleasure. Among euphoriomaniacs there are people with different levels of income and education, but they all have one thing in common: addiction to a drug that changes their lives and behavior. Some people use euphoria to escape reality or relieve stress. But euphoric addicts are attracted precisely by the psychedelic effect of the drug: loss of control over the body and mind, changes in the perception of time and space, as well as strong sensations. Often people who have had a difficult childhood become euphoric. They may have had a weak connection with their parents or lived without proper attention. And in such cases, narcotic eutheria becomes a way of salvation for them. They do not understand that addiction itself deprives them of happiness and meaning in life. When the euphoria passes through some