
Eye: organ of vision and its structure

The eye is an organ that allows us to see the world around us. It is located in the eye sockets of the skull and consists of the eyeball and auxiliary structures. The eyeball has an almost spherical shape with a diameter of about 24 mm and consists of three membranes: the sclera, the choroid and the retina.

The sclera is the fibrous outer covering of the eyeball. Its anterior part is transparent and convex, forming the cornea, which transmits light rays, and the posterior part contains an opening for the passage of the optic nerve. The choroid is a middle layer rich in pigment cells and blood vessels. It takes part in the nutrition of the eye and in the formation of aqueous humor and vitreous humor. The iris, located in the front of the choroid, is a ring that can have a variety of colors and has a hole in the center - the pupil.

The retina is the inner layer of the eyeball that receives light images and transmits them to the brain. It is made up of cells called cones, which perceive white and black and various shades of gray. The retina contains the macula macula, a zone rich in cones, and the optic papilla, where

Article "Eye".

The eye is one of the most complex and important organs of the human body. It allows us to see and interact with the world around us. The eyes are made up of many parts, including the eyeball, eyelids, eyelashes, and tear glands. The eyeball is a spherical organ located in the recess of the orbit. It contains light-sensitive cells - photoreceptors, which are responsible for the perception of light. Photoreceptors can be of different types, such as rods and cones. Cones are responsible for color vision, and rods are responsible for twilight vision. The eyes have many functions related to processing light information. For example, they regulate body temperature, control blood cholesterol, produce tears to moisturize and protect the eyes, and much more. And the eyes can cry for various reasons: from pain to joy. The functioning of the visual organs is very important for people.

Right now they are talking about global eye health. Increasing evidence confirms that the most important social efforts involve human development. When talking about visual disorders, especially among children, it is often emphasized that the future depends on achieving this task. Many communities are experiencing a shortage of ophthalmologists due to low qualifications, lack of trained professionals and working conditions, and a significant number of visually impaired people never actually see an ophthalmologist. At the same time, problems associated with various eye diseases can lead to loss of social and economic potential. This is what is happening to access to education, health care and other areas of activity.

Children with poor vision have lower educational performance, a higher tendency to be socially isolated and have higher rates of obesity. Which can lead to consequences for all of the listed areas of life, such as health, education and decreased income.

Talk to your child! * Tell him how many eye health tests he will need to pass for the same "3". * Explain to him the importance of doing these eye care exercises every day. * Help your child get clear advice on where and how to refer her if she needs additional medical care.