Lymphatic Diathesis

Lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis is a hereditarily caused deficiency of the lymphatic system associated with reduced function of the thymus gland as the main organ that controls the maturation of lymphocytes. It is characterized by generalized persistent enlargement of the lymph nodes, dysfunction of the endocrine system (hypofunction of the adrenal glands, sympathoadrenal system, etc.), a tendency to allergic and hyperergic reactions and infectious diseases.

In this case, there is not a complete, but a partial loss of lymphocytic functions (partial failure), and features of dysplasia (hypoplasia) are detected. One of the manifestations of lymphatic diathesis may be a pathology of local immunity of the mucous membranes, insufficiency of the synthesis of secretory immunoglobulins.

Clinical picture:

  1. Dysplastic physique - often a short body, somewhat elongated limbs.

  2. The skin is pale, tissue pasty, poorly developed hypotonic muscles.

  3. The lymph nodes are enlarged, the tonsils and adenoids are hyperplastic and loose. Adenoids after adenotomy are prone to re-growth.

  4. X-rays show enlargement of the thymus gland in 70% of cases, which can cause obstruction of bronchial obstruction.

  5. There is a tendency to arterial hypotension.

  6. In the blood there is slight leukocytosis, lymphocytosis, monocytosis, neutropenia. In some cases, low-grade fever is of central origin.

The diagnosis is made based on the child's characteristic appearance and the detection of hyperplasia of the lymph nodes and thymus gland.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with immunodeficiency states.

Treatment includes hardening procedures, physiotherapy, vitamins A, groups B, C, adaptogens.

Prevention consists of rational nutrition for pregnant women and children, adherence to the regime, hardening, massage, gymnastics, taking adaptogens and vitamins.

If treatment and preventive measures are followed, the prognosis is favorable.