Feeding the Baby

Feeding your baby: how to choose the right milk and what you need to know

Feeding a child is a responsible and important stage in the life of every mother and her baby. It is not always possible to maintain breastfeeding, so you need to know how to choose the right milk for feeding and how to give it to your baby correctly.

One of the best milk options for feeding a baby is donkey milk. It contains a protein closer to the composition of human milk than other types of animal milk. If donkey milk is not available, you can use mare's milk, which is also close in composition to human milk. Cow's milk should be used as a last resort, but goat's milk is not recommended, since the protein composition is very different from the protein composition of human milk, and also contains a lot of casein, which is difficult for the baby's stomach to digest.

However, if it is not possible to use the types of milk described above, then cow's milk can be used. To improve its digestibility, you can add thin decoctions of oats, barley or rice to it.

It is important to remember that milk should be given to the baby immediately after breastfeeding and only when warm. It is best to use raw milk as it loses calcium and magnesium when boiled. However, if it is not possible to obtain your own raw milk or to be sure of the health of the cow from which the milk is obtained, then you should boil the milk before serving.

If you have to feed your baby with milk alone without breastfeeding, then you should dilute the milk with water in a ratio of 1:3 for up to 4 weeks, then gradually reduce the dose of water until the moment when by 9 months you can give the baby whole milk.

From the third month, you can start giving your baby a little fresh orange juice. However, before doing this, you should definitely consult your doctor.

If a child needs to be given medications for feeding, then it is best to use Nestlé flour, which consists of condensed cow's milk and crushed top crust of wheat bread, toasted at 115°C.

But it is important to remember that there are no surrogates that can completely replace breast milk. Therefore, if possible, it is best to continue breastfeeding or use donkey or mare milk, which is similar in composition to human milk. If this is not possible, then you should choose milk with a composition closer to human milk and follow the recommendations for proper feeding. It is also necessary to constantly consult a doctor and monitor the condition and development of the baby in order to promptly notice any changes and take the necessary measures.

Feeding a child is a responsible process that requires special attention and care. Choosing the right milk and giving it correctly, as well as following doctor's recommendations, will help provide the necessary nutrients to your baby and promote healthy development.