
Ferro - Gradumets or how to prevent iron deficiency anemia?


Iron deficiency anemia is a common pathology and requires timely diagnosis and treatment. One of the main reasons is insufficient intake of iron from food. In such cases, doctors prescribe iron supplements such as Ferro-Granumet, which contain sufficient amounts of iron to correct the deficiency. However, as practice shows, these tablets can cause side effects, which is why patients stop taking the drug and the symptoms of iron deficiency return again.

When taking iron-containing medications, patients may experience the following undesirable effects: change in stool color - the formation of black stool due to the formation of iron sulfide, but not red coloring; darkening of teeth due to the presence of free iron in the preparation; constipation and diarrhea; feeling of heaviness in the stomach; and dizziness. Due to side effects, many patients stop treatment and diagnose themselves with “posthemorrhagic anemia”, despite the fact that this is not the case at all.

An important step in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia is maintaining the correct dosage and duration of iron intake to avoid overdose and unwanted side effects. Many patients neglect these rules and take too many pills, which harms their body.

Also, in addition to iron, the drug contains a certain amount of ascorbic acid, which can increase the efficiency of iron absorption in the intestines. Despite this, ferrogranometos should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor after all the necessary examinations. He must determine the optimal dosage and duration of treatment, taking into account all possible side effects and contraindications.

The use of iron supplements in courses during the epidemic season helps prevent the development of iron deficiency conditions.