Fetal presentation Kneeling

Fetal presentation Kneeling is a condition when the baby is in a kneeling position, that is, its legs are bent and pressed against the mother's stomach. This can happen during childbirth when the baby is unable to move down the mother's birth canal due to its size or some other reason.

Fetal breech presentation can be dangerous for mother and baby as it can lead to injury and complications during childbirth. If the child is in this position, the birth should take place under the supervision of an experienced obstetrician.

To prevent breech presentation, it is necessary to monitor the development of the child in the womb. If the mother has any health problems or the pregnancy is not going as expected, the doctor may recommend special exercises to make labor easier.

It is also important to ensure that the baby develops properly inside the mother. If it is in the wrong position, it can lead to knee presentation.

In general, breech presentation is a serious condition that requires attention and monitoring from a doctor. If you suspect that you may have breech knee, consult your doctor immediately.