First aid for angina and myocardial infarction

a) with angina pectoris:
• help the patient take 1 tablet no
troglycerin, which he has with him;
• after 5 minutes, if the pain has not gone away, hvo
Roy can take a second Nitrogli tablet.
• call emergency medical assistance.
b) with myocardial infarction:
• the patient must stop any physical activity
new activity;
• help the patient take on a comfortable polo
• loosen your tie and belt;
• help the patient take 1 tablet no
troglycerin, which he has with him;
• after 5 minutes, if the pain has not gone away, hvo
Roy can take a second Nitrogli tablet.
• if the patient’s condition has not improved after taking
addition of the second nitroglycerin tablet is necessary
but call an ambulance and take
the last, third tablet of nitroglycerin.
If you are not completely sure that
that the patient has angina pectoris or myocardial infarction, call an ambulance. The survival of a patient after a heart attack often depends on the speed of provision of qualified care.
Do not try to take the victim to the hospital yourself - unless emergency medical help is not available, because cardiac arrest may occur at any moment.
When helping a patient, try to calm him down. This helps the patient overcome feelings of anxiety and relieves pain. Monitor the patient closely until the ambulance arrives. Observe signs of life, being careful not to miss external changes or changes in the patient's behavior. Cardiac arrest is possible, be prepared to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation.