First aid for forearm injury

First aid for forearm injury: applying a hard splint
When conducting a secondary examination, you suspect that the victim has a serious injury to the forearm. You decide to apply a rigid splint to secure the immobility of the injured limb.
Support the ending
• Support the arm above and below the injury if the victim is unable to do so independently.
Check your circulation
• Check your fingers: they should be warm to the touch and pink at the nails.
• If possible, remove all rings from the victim's hand.
• Ask if the victim is experiencing numbness in their fingertips.
Apply a hard splint
•Put a splint and pad under the injured forearm.
• Have the victim or someone nearby hold the tire in place.
• Place something soft in the victim's palm to maintain the physiological position of the hand.
Secure the tire
• Secure the splint with bandages above and below the injury site.
• Tie the ends of the bandages under the splint, avoiding the fracture site if possible.
Check your circulation
• Check your fingers: they should be warm to the touch and pink at the nails.
• Ask if the victim is experiencing numbness in their fingertips.
• The splint should be applied tightly, but not too tightly, so as not to interfere with blood circulation in the hand.
•If the fingers are blue and cold to the touch or the victim feels a tingling sensation in the fingertips, loosen the bandage while supporting the splint.
Secure the bandage at the elbow
• If possible, tighten or pin the end of the bandage at the elbow.
Apply a fixative bandage
• Pull the bandage around the chest on the side of the injured arm.
• Tie the ends of the bandage on the opposite side under your unaffected arm.
• Place a soft cloth under the bandage knot.

First aid for forearm injury: application of supporting and fixing bandages
When conducting a secondary examination, you suspect that the victim has a serious injury to the forearm. You decide to apply a supporting and fixing bandage. (Bandages can be used regardless of whether a hard splint has been applied or not.)
Position of the braid
• Ask the victim or someone around to support the injured arm.
• Pass one end of the sling under the injured arm over the unaffected shoulder.
• Place the right corner of the scarf under the elbow of the injured limb.
• Try to keep the arm at a 90-degree angle unless an injury to the elbow is suspected.
Tie the ends of the bandage
•Place one end over the other shoulder.
• Tie the ends of the bandage around the neck on the opposite side of the injury.
• Place a soft cloth under the bandage knot.