

**FitoVit ** is a biologically active food supplement that contains extracts of medicinal plants such as ginseng, licorice, echinacea and others. These plants are known for their tonic properties, which help improve the overall health of the body and increase its resilience.

"Fitovit" is a drug that belongs to the group of general tonics. It is manufactured in India by Unipharm Lab. This drug has several dosage forms, including capsules. Each package contains from 30 to 60 capsules. The cost of this drug may vary depending on the place of purchase and exchange rates.

The main components of the drug Fitovita are plant extracts from various medicinal herbs and plants. For example, extract of ginseng root, echinacea, aloe vera, turmeric, ginkgo biloba and other plants. These plants have medicinal properties, such as improving the functioning of the immune system, increasing energy levels, accelerating metabolism, improving blood circulation, etc.

In addition, Fitovit has a number of other beneficial properties, such as helping to recover from stress, reducing mental fatigue, increasing concentration and memory, etc.

Fitovit may experience some side effects, such as allergic reactions, gastrointestinal disorders, etc. Before starting to take the medicine, you must read the instructions and be sure to consult your doctor.

Overall, Fitovit is a useful drug that can help strengthen the immune system, improve body function and improve overall quality of life. However, before using this drug, you must consult a specialist and follow the recommendations for use.

Title: "Fitovit: a unique drug to guard your health"

Undoubtedly, health is one of the most important factors of our well-being. We try to monitor it, watch what we eat, drink and how we move. And if we want to be healthy, we need