Microelements Essential

Microelements are important components in the human body that are necessary to maintain its normal functioning. They are involved in various processes such as metabolism, immune system, nervous system, etc. However, not all microelements necessary for human health can be obtained from regular food. Because of this, many people turn to additional sources of micronutrients, such as supplements and medications.

Microelements can be divided into several categories: macroelements, microelements and ultramicroelements. Macronutrients are the basic building blocks of our body, such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. Microelements are elements that our body cannot produce on its own, but they are needed in smaller quantities. Ultramicroelements are even rarer microelements that are found in very small quantities.

Essential microcomponents are usually called microelements or their compounds that support the function of the human body and the need for the existence of which cannot be fully compensated by the nutrients included in food