Shikkele Phenomenon

Schickele was one of the most famous gynecologists of his time. He is known for his work in advancing the science of female anatomy and physiology and for his contributions to gynecological surgery. Schickele founded the first school of gynecology and obstetrics in Switzerland, which was one of the best in Europe. He developed new methods for treating female diseases and wrote about them in his works. His scientific achievements helped improve the lives of many women and make medicine more accessible. However, Schikkele was also known for his eccentric personality traits, such as his passion for mysticism and esotericism. This led to conflicts with colleagues and the public, who criticized him for his behavior. Despite this, Schikkele continued his work in gynecology and made significant contributions to the development of this science. Today, the memory of Schickel remains an important part of the history of gynecology and he is considered one of the founders of this field of medicine.