Phlebography Cerebral Retrograde

Cerebral retrograde venography is a method of x-ray examination of the veins of the brain, in which a contrast agent is injected into the venous sinuses of the dura mater against the blood flow.

With this research method, a contrast agent is administered through a catheter inserted into a central vein (internal jugular, subclavian or femoral vein). The catheter is then advanced into the dural venous sinuses. After the administration of contrast, the condition of the cerebral veins and venous sinuses is assessed radiologically, the presence of narrowings, dilations, filling defects and other pathological changes is identified.

Cerebral retrograde venography allows you to diagnose brain tumors, arachnoiditis, thrombosis of the veins and venous sinuses. This method is highly informative, but is invasive. Therefore, it is used in cases of suspected serious diseases of the veins and venous sinuses of the brain.

Phlebography is a diagnostic method for studying Cerebral Retrograde (CR) - this is an examination method in which a contrast agent is injected into the deep veins of the brain. Cerebral venography is one of the most common and effective methods for studying the condition of the venous vessels of the brain

Although venography was originally used specifically for diagnosis, today it is used in surgery. The modern method of examining the veins of the head has become much more convenient and comfortable, since now a person has the opportunity to choose the injection site and the minimum amount of contrast. This allows it to be carried out in conjunction with other examinations, which in turn minimizes the risk of complications. By using this method in highly specialized areas, it is possible to determine both the causes of pathological changes and the effectiveness of the therapy. It is used to study venous blood flow in the brain area along its entire path. The technique allows you to evaluate blood flow, structural features of the venous system and its changes. Conducting phlebography for diseases such as tumors, neurosyphilis, strokes requires the mandatory use of this examination method. It makes it possible to identify not only the condition of the blood vessels, but also to evaluate the functioning of the liver and determine structural changes in the bones of the skull, which make it possible to identify congenital pathologies.