Flying Babies and Toddlers

Flying Babies and Toddlers: How to Organize a Flight with a Child

For many parents, especially those with children under 2 years old, flying can seem like a real challenge. But if you prepare correctly and organize all the moments, then flying on an airplane can become enjoyable and comfortable for the whole family. In this article we will look at some important aspects of organizing a flight and vacation with a child under 2 years old.

Selecting an airline

One of the important points when choosing an airline is the availability of a children's menu and the ability to order a child seat. It is also worth finding out whether there are changing tables on board the plane and where the children's diaper changing rooms are located. If your child is prone to earaches, you should choose airlines that provide chewing gum or a bottle to suck on during takeoff and landing.

Preparing for the flight

Before leaving for the airport, you should make and print out all the necessary documents: tickets, passport, visas (if required), insurance. It is also worth checking the rules for transporting liquids and food on board so that there are no problems when passing control.

When packing, keep in mind that it can be chilly on board the plane, so it's best to dress your child in layers and bring warm clothes.

For the convenience of the child on board, you can take with you toys, books, puzzles, coloring books, headphones and a player with music or cartoons. When choosing toys, you should consider their size and weight so that they do not take up much space in your luggage.

Nutrition and sleep

For newborns, you can take ready-made formula for feeding on board the plane, as well as empty bottles and pacifiers. If the child has already switched to complementary feeding, you can take ready-made purees with you in sterile packaging.

During the flight, the child must be provided with comfortable sleeping conditions. To do this, you can take with you an inflatable headrest and a blanket so that your child can sleep comfortably.

Hotel holiday

When choosing a hotel, you should pay attention to the availability of a children's pool, playground and the possibility of ordering a children's menu. It is also worth finding out if the hotel has babysitting services and a children's club.

When booking a room, it is worth considering that the child may wake up at night, so it is better to choose a room with a separate sleeping area.


Flying with a child under 2 years old may seem difficult and stressful, but if you prepare correctly and organize all the moments, it can become enjoyable and comfortable for the whole family. When choosing an airline, you should take into account the availability of a children's menu, the possibility of ordering a child seat and changing tables on board. For the convenience of the child, you can take toys and entertainment with you on board. For food and sleep on board, you can take with you ready-made formulas, bottles and pacifiers, as well as an inflatable headrest and blanket. When choosing a hotel, you should take into account the availability of a children's pool, playground and children's menu, as well as babysitting services and a children's club. Don't forget that the main thing is to enjoy the journey and vacation with your baby!