Ceylon Cinnamon, Or Cinnamon Tree

Ceylon cinnamon, also known as cinnamon tree, is an important plant used in medicine and cooking. Its scientific name is Cinnamomum zeylanicum and it belongs to the laurel family (Lauraceae). In this article we will look at the botanical description of cinnamon, methods of collecting and preparing it, as well as its healing properties and uses in medicine and cooking.

Botanical description

Cinnamon is native to Sri Lanka, Madagascar, India and other regions of Southeast Asia. This is a small tree or shrub, reaching a height of 10-15 meters. Ceylon cinnamon has oppositely arranged cylindrical branches and has large, oval leaves with short petioles. The leaves have a scent reminiscent of cloves. Whitish-green, inconspicuous flowers are collected little by little in paniculate inflorescences.

Parts used

Cinnamon tree bark is used in medicine and cooking. The pharmaceutical name for cinnamon is Cinnamomi zeylanici cortex (formerly: Cortex Cinnamomi). Cinnamon oil is obtained from Cinnamomi zeylanici aetheroleum (formerly: Oleum Cinnamomi), which is also used in medicine and perfumery.

Collection and preparation

Cinnamon tree bark is obtained almost exclusively from cultivated plantings that are planted near bodies of water, since this plant needs an abundance of groundwater. After several years, the trunks are cut down so that suckers form on the stumps. After two years, these shoots are cut off and freed from leaves. Then, at a distance of about 20 cm from one another, ring cuts of the bark are made and connected to each other with longitudinal cuts. The bark is peeled off with special knives in the form of grooves. Then it is cleared of the outer layer, for which it is put on a stick of its own wood and scraped with blunt scrapers. Several of these peeled pieces are placed inside each other and hung out to dry. After drying, which is usually done in the sun, the bark is sorted and sold.

Active ingredients and healing properties

The bark of the cinnamon tree contains essential oil with cinnamaldehyde, of which good pharmaceutical raw materials should contain at least 1%, mucus and tannins. Cinnamon oil is used as a stomachic remedy that has carminative, antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. It improves digestion, lowers blood sugar levels, improves blood circulation, relieves pain and spasms, and strengthens the immune system. In addition, cinnamon tree bark contains polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants and effectively fight free radicals in the body, which can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Use in cooking

Cinnamon is widely used in cooking to add aroma and taste to various dishes and drinks. It is used in baked goods, desserts, confectionery, drinks, as well as in the preparation of meat and vegetable dishes, soups, sauces and marinades. In addition, cinnamon is often added to tea and coffee to add a pleasant aroma and taste.

In conclusion, Ceylon cinnamon is an important plant that is widely used in medicine and cooking. Its bark contains the essential oil of cinnamaldehyde, which has many healing properties, as well as polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants. Cinnamon is also widely used in cooking to add aroma and flavor to various dishes and drinks.