Gall Bladder Scaly

Gall Bladder Squamous is a medical term that describes a condition where small scales appear on the surface of the gallbladder. This may be associated with various diseases, such as cholelithiasis, chronic cholecystitis, liver cirrhosis and others.

Gallbladder Scaly appears as small white or yellowish spots on the surface of the gallbladder. These spots can be either single or multiple. They can be noticeable both during a routine examination and during an ultrasound examination.

The reasons for the appearance of gall spots on the gallbladder can be different. One of the main reasons is the presence of gallstones. Stones can cause damage to the walls of the gallbladder and lead to the appearance of gall spots. Also, gall spots can appear with chronic cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder.

Treatment for gall spots depends on the cause of their appearance. If the cause is gallstones, then it is necessary to remove them. If the cause is chronic diseases of the gallbladder, then it is necessary to treat these diseases.

In general, gallbladder scaly is not a dangerous condition and does not require urgent treatment. However, if you notice the appearance of gall spots, it is better to consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Chewing Bladder (vesicalis) This comes from the Latin word vesica, which means “bladder”, and the Greek word psalmos, which indicates a relationship. This complex organ is the result of the fusion of two shells and is used to produce digestive secretions and urine in fish. In particular, it does two things: - Breakdown of food, synthesis of pancreatic enzymes and absorption of digestive products. - Release of excreted contents into other areas of the intestine that receive food from the stomach.

The plasticity of the gallbladder structure means that the structure appears in a specific part of the body and has the dimensions necessary to perform its functions. In