Gangrene Wet

Wet gangrene, or wet gangrene, is a common skin and soft tissue disease that can lead to serious complications and even amputation.

Wet gangrene is characterized by inflammation, swelling, pain, redness and poor healing of the wound. It can occur due to injury or due to exposure to bacterial infections such as bacterial pseudomonas ulcer.

The disease usually begins with the formation of an ulcer on the skin due to bacterial infection. The ulcer can be deep and infected, posing a threat to the health of the body.

Gangrene causes severe discomfort and requires immediate medical treatment. First of all, to treat wet gangrene, it is necessary to find out the causes of its appearance and begin a course of antibiotics. In addition, it is necessary to carry out local therapy, which may include antiseptic solutions and ointments. But if it's running