
Sesame - Pedaliaceae. Parts used: tuberous root. Pharmacy name: harpagophytum root - Harpagophyti radix (formerly: Radix Harpagophyti).

Botanical description. Harpagophytum is native to South and South-West Africa. Local residents have been using this plant as a medicinal plant for a long time. In Harpagophytum, large tuberous thickenings form on the roots. By the beginning of the rainy season, aboveground shoots grow, reaching a meter in length; they spread along the ground and form bright red flowers that sit in the axils of the leaves. The fruits develop lignified long branched outgrowths equipped with hooks curved back. This is associated with the name “devil’s claw”, which is sometimes given to this plant.

Collection and preparation. For tea from harpagophytum, it is not the fruits with claw-like outgrowths that are used, but the roots. The latter are dug up during flowering and dried.

Active ingredients. The main active ingredient is the glycoside harpagoside. Along with it there are other glycosides and bitternesses.

Healing action and application. If the natives of South Africa use harpagophytum for diseases of the gall and bladder, liver and kidneys, then in Europe it is used for diseases of the joints. Scientists have found that harpagophytum especially helps with arthrosis, a chronic disease of the joints of a degenerative-dystrophic nature. Since, apart from it, we have practically no effective remedy against this so common ailment, harpagophytum deserves serious attention.

Its action is based primarily on the anti-inflammatory properties of its components. True, further research is still needed until the mechanism of its action is precisely established, but now we already know enough to try to use the appropriate tea for a long course of treatment for joint diseases. Experience shows that after just a few weeks there is a clear relief of pain. The use of injections from harpagophytum allows you to combine these two types of treatment. There is also a growing body of experimental evidence regarding the successful use of harpa gophytum tea against gastrointestinal disorders. This remedy appears to be very promising for loss of appetite, poor digestion and insufficient bile secretion.

Side effects when used in therapeutic doses are unknown. Do not use for stomach and intestinal ulcers.