Gastritis Fibrinous

**Fibrinous gastritis**

**Fibrous gastritis** (gastro-intestinalis epitheliosis fibrinoasa; gsf) is a hyperplastic focal chronic inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa (GMU) with microcirculatory disorders and a predominance of elements of inflammatory proliferation. More often it develops against the background of chronic gastritis and long-term peptic ulcers with the presence of inflammatory infiltrates with intact coolant mucosa. The course of the disease is long (sometimes 1-2 years), progression is possible, associated with deformation of the folds, and sometimes gastric hypertrophy. The severity of clinical and morphological manifestations and the severity of the disease may vary. There are options when, after anti-relapse treatment, they can completely disappear, which indicates the significant importance of the etiological factors of chronic gastritis, the long course of the infectious diseases themselves, previous operations and injuries. Often the disease is diagnosed at a fairly advanced stage.

Fibrinous gastritis is a disease of the stomach in which the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum becomes inflamed. It is important to know that inflammation occurs not only in the stomach, but throughout the entire gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Purulent inflammation of blood vessels in the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines requires a special approach from the doctor. The lumen of the gastric vessels becomes thrombotic. Blood components begin to migrate into the tissues of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. This pathological process can manifest itself as serious complications from the blood coagulation system, the entire vascular system, liver function, etc. Careful identification of the factors that provoke this disease is one of the main tasks of a gastroenterologist.

Stages of this disease.

At the very beginning of the disease, several stages of its development are distinguished: * Initial stage (before the opening of the ulcerative defect). * Ulcerative stage, or the stage of ulcer formation. * Manifest stage.

***Course of the disease in children*** In children, the gastric form of the disease is usually more common. The patients' complaints are similar to those mentioned above. Complaints of pain arising behind the sternum and radiating to the shoulder or epigastric region. These pains usually occur on an empty stomach or