
Hedonism (from ancient Greek ἡδονή “pleasure” ← ἦδον “feeling, sensation”: the etymology of the term “hedonist” is still unknown. According to Eric Nolan’s definition: a hedonist is a sensualist philosopher who adheres to the thesis that our feelings are most important for knowledge of the world (cf. the principle of Thomas Aquinas quidquid est secundum sensum est verum) Hedonia (in etymology) is pleasure or enjoyment in all possible ways from the simplest to the most refined sensations, not necessarily related to bodily sensations, but including, for example, spiritual, intellectual and aesthetic pleasures.Tantrism is a type of hedonism.

Hedonism as a doctrine contains the requirement of utilitarian behavior: to follow one's own inclinations "as far as is practicable without affecting others," that is, provided that no harm is caused to oneself and others around them (or at least it is reduced). to a minimum). At the same time, everything is permissible that does not harm the personal feelings of the individual, or that provides him with comfort; the meaning of life is happiness (conclusion about

*Hedonism* is a philosophical and ethical theory that considers pleasure as the highest value of life, and the satisfaction of needs through pleasure and enjoyment as the basic principle of human activity. This approach differs from traditional utilitarianism and eudaimonism, which focus on the long-term benefits and well-being of people achieved through welfare and happiness.

In the history of the philosophy of hedonism there are numerous directions and teachings. One of the most famous and influential hedonists was the philosopher Aristippus of Cyrene, who believed that pleasure was the only measure of human actions and aspirations. This idea was reflected in the ethics of Confucius, whose philosophy was centered on the teachings of humanity and respect for human dignity. In turn, the principle of hedonic virtue became one of the most important principles of Stoic ethics, since according to this philosophy, happiness should be achieved through maintaining a correct lifestyle, despite physical limitations and misfortunes.

One of the most striking