
Gelepran: an antiseptic product produced by the Russian company Biotekfarm

Gelepran is an antiseptic produced by the Russian company Biotekfarm. It is intended for use on the skin and mucous membranes.

The main active ingredient of Gelepran is chlorhexidine, which has a powerful antiseptic effect. This component is capable of destroying many types of bacteria, viruses and fungi that can cause infections. In addition, Gelepran also contains other substances that enhance its effect and provide additional protection for the skin and mucous membranes.

Gelepran is produced in Russia and is available in several forms: gel, solution and spray. In addition, there are various versions of Gelepran containing lidocaine or miramistin - these components are added for additional analgesia and antiseptic effect.

The use of Gelepran can be recommended for the treatment and prevention of various infections associated with the skin and mucous membranes. It can be used to disinfect wounds, burns, cuts and other skin lesions, as well as to prevent infections before medical procedures. In addition, Gelepran may be useful for treating purulent infections such as boils, abscesses and others.

In general, Gelepran is an effective and safe antiseptic, produced in Russia by the Biotekfarm company. It can be used to both treat and prevent infections associated with the skin and mucous membranes, and may be recommended by a physician depending on the specific situation and needs of the patient.