
Hemitonic massage is a massage of the collar area and face.

**Hemitonias,** also known as prominences, are deep facial muscle massage techniques aimed at getting rid of deep clamps and blocks in the head, neck, shoulders, back, chest and other parts of the body. Unlike conventional massage, during hemitonic massage muscle tension is eliminated not only superficially, but also at the depth of the muscles working in this area, which makes it possible to influence the main cause of tension, which is located deep inside the tissues.

The massage technique allows you to work out the muscles, while relieving hypertonicity and pain.

Simply put, hemitonics is a safe prevention of “headaches”, “neck pain”, and will also help to “relax the neck” so that it becomes obedient, flexible and comfortable. The massage line technique is applied to the facial, cervical, shoulder and chest surfaces. With its help, it is possible to effectively work out the entire shoulder girdle of a person and replace all the blocks that go deep into the body and can no longer be corrected in a regular massage.

MASSAGE STEPS: - stroking, touching, soft shaking, kneading. This is the first phase, which does not require any effort, since at this time the muscles are relaxed. The skin, subcutaneous tissue, fascia and ligaments move smoothly, but the muscle tone itself decreases somewhat. - the second phase involves stretching the muscles, active use of pinch techniques, and pushing. The third stage includes more energetic manipulations, when the muscles are tense, deep pressing and rolling. In the final phase, such types of work as vibrations are carried out. IN

Hemitonia is a form of myopathy in which the muscle protein levels of muscle glycogen and myoglobin are low, leading to muscle weakness and decreased metabolic rate. This disease manifests itself gradually and has varying degrees of severity.

Signs of hemitonia often begin to appear in a person aged