
Hepatosis is a liver disease that is characterized by dysfunction of the organ and changes in its structure. Hepatosis can have various causes, including alcoholism, obesity, viral infections and other factors. Depending on the type of hepatosis and the degree of liver damage, symptoms may vary. Typically these are fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, yellowing of the skin and eyes, abdominal pain, etc. If left untreated, hepatosis can lead to cirrhosis, liver cancer or other serious diseases.

The cause of the development of hepatosis can be many factors, such as infections, toxic effects, heredity, disorders

Nowadays, hepatosis is considered one of the most common problems in the world. Hepatosis is a group of liver diseases that arise due to various reasons: infectious processes, genetic disorders, unbalanced nutrition, alcohol abuse, toxic effects of chemicals, etc. The main symptom of hepatosis is pain that occurs in the upper abdomen. A change in the shade of the skin is also characteristic: yellowness of the body usually appears, which leads to a complete change in the color of the eyeball and skin. There are frequent cases of formation of hemorrhages and pinpoint hemorrhages in the abdominal area.

According to experienced hepatosis doctors, the risk of hepatosis disease occurs with prolonged contact not only with harmful substances, but also with the consumption of any food in large quantities. Often, for the disease to begin to progress, the presence of triggers for the onset of the disease takes several years. Currently, some medical sources talk about the benefits of proper nutrition as one of the methods for preventing hepatasiphobic phenomena. This becomes possible when the diet includes a large amount of plant and dairy products.

Also, for preventive purposes, it is sometimes recommended to use oil compositions to be taken as a dietary supplement, including: sea buckthorn, flaxseed, pumpkin oil, wine

Hepatosis is a dangerous liver disease. It occurs due to disturbances in the structure of the gland cells or in its ability to cleanse the blood of toxins. In this condition, the organ may begin to enlarge, become covered with nodes, and become denser. The disease requires an integrated approach. Comprehensive conservative therapy, taking medications, body cleansing procedures, changing lifestyle habits, and observation by a specialist are effective.