Hyperostosis Cortical Generalized

Hyperostacular coronary generalized (HCH) is a common vascular deformation that can cause various cardiovascular diseases, as well as neurological and orthopedic problems. In this article I would like to talk about generalized hyperostecular coronary artery disease and talk about the possible consequences of this disease.

Hyperostular coronary generalization: what is it?

Corpus hyperplastic osteosclerosis is a rare metabolic disease characterized by obliteration of blood vessels in the medulla and damage to all its layers. With it, the patient is found to have dilated lumens of the papillary canals. Corpus hyperplastic dystrophy is an indicative pathology of hemodynamics. Its first signs reveal themselves as defects in the passage of blood through the coronary artery and in the drainage space of the veins of the cerebral region. In a patient with this condition, a noticeable thickening of the walls of the medial shell is visualized. This negatively affects the morphology of cerebral vessels. Expansion of capillary beds and the formation of dilation spaces appear. Clinical observations show the presence of large reduced venous arches. Despite the fact that the homeostasis of the permeating fluid in this part of the skull

Generalized cortical hyperostosis (English H.C.G.) is a hereditary disease of skeletal bones and internal organs caused by excessive deposition of calcium salts in bone and internal organs, as well as in the periosteum. Between 40 and 50 thousand people are sick in the world, and for most of them the disease ends in disability. Therapy of the disease requires an understanding of its mechanism, which facilitates the selection of the most effective treatment methods.

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