
Hypnotizability is one of the most amazing and mysterious phenomena in human psychology, which is still the subject of research and debate. Hypnotizability is considered characteristic of people who are prone to suggestion and subordination of their thoughts to a stranger. But few people think that hypnotizability is not just the ability to succumb to the influence of others, but also the ability to immerse yourself in the world of your inner sensations and experiences. Many people tend to associate a hypnotizable personality with someone who can be subjugated and dominated. However, this is a deep misconception. Hypnotizability allows a person to calm his thoughts in a state of hypnosis, clear his mind of bad emotions and unnecessary experiences. This will help us relax, enjoy the world around us, take our minds off negative situations, or simply fall asleep. Now almost all psychotherapeutic techniques are based on working with this phenomenon. The most famous techniques are autogenic training and Ericksonian hypnosis. One of the most popular methods of self-hypnosis is a visualization technique that helps normalize the biochemical balance in the brain, quickly relieve stress,

Hypnotizability is what a person who is too easily hypnotized would like to achieve. Typically, people who are easily hypnotized have a delicate nervous system that can respond to the slightest stimuli. Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation induced by suggestion, usually accompanied by dozing or sleep.

Hypnotizability - sensitivity. Hypnotizable people have a very difficult time staying awake due to their emotions. They often become hyperarousal, restless, or excited just by reading a printed page. During meditation or relaxation, they experience incredible lightness, while at the same time they suffer from anxiety and overstrain in everyday life. People prone to increased hypnotizability easily respond to propaganda and become hypnotized themselves. Political figures such as Adolf Hitler, Marx and Engels took advantage of this. They had many followers who simply believed every word and did not criticize. This is how a simple social phenomenon becomes a dangerous action. It turns out that people with increased hypnotizability become victims of the surrounding society.