Chapter 14. Walks and Outdoor Fun

Chapter 14. Walks and outdoor activities

Walking at the airport

Take your child to the airport to see the planes. Explain to him what is happening: how planes taxi along the runway, take off and land. You can play guessing where the plane came from and where it will go.

City in the background

While walking, draw your child's attention to houses, shops and other buildings. Discuss their shape, size, color. Compare high and low houses.

Fun walks

Add some fun to your walk by singing songs or doing funny dance moves. Encourage your child to sing along and dance with you.

Sing while you walk

Sing simple songs while walking, varying the volume and tempo. Let the child sing along. This will develop his sense of rhythm.

Clock game

While walking, ask your child what time it is. Let him look at his watch and tell you. This way he will learn to tell time.

Who will see first

Play a game of attentiveness: who will be the first to notice a dog, a red car, etc. This will develop observation skills.

Variations on a theme

Invite your child to come up with options for using an object, for example a bench: for sitting, jumping, as a bridge, etc.

We collect all sorts of things

Let the child collect pebbles, sticks, and leaves of interesting shapes. At home you can put together a collection or make an applique.


Teach your child about plants and animals while walking. Watch for birds and insects. Let him ask questions.

How far is it?

Select a visible landmark in the distance. Ask your child if he thinks it is far or close. Let him explain his guess.

This noisy world

Listen to the sounds around you as you walk. Have a competition to see who can hear the most sounds.

How long will it take

Walk a certain distance and record the time. Invite your child to guess how long it will take to walk the same distance back.

Hot? Cold?

Let your child determine by how he feels whether the weather is warm or cold today. Discuss how to dress for the weather.

How to get stars

Invite your child to fantasize about how he could reach the stars in the sky if it were possible.

Excellent environment

Talk about the beauty of nature around you while walking. Let your child describe what he likes best.

How much in total?

Count together how many trees, cars, people, etc. you see while walking. Compare quantities.

Ball against the wall

Take the ball and hit it against the wall, throwing it to each other. Train your agility and reaction.

Keeping an eye on our neighbors

Watch passers-by, inventing names, professions and talking in funny voices.

Bird watching

Go birdwatching. How do they fly, peck food, and clean their feathers? Try to identify the different types.


Run, “landing” at every step, like a flying airplane. Wave your arms like wings.

Flying a kite

In windy weather, fly a kite. Watch him soar. Let the child take turns holding the rope.

Raking the leaves

Rake the leaves into a pile and jump in with your child. Or use the leaves for crafts.

Fun walks

Come up with funny ways to move: jumping on one leg, giant steps, etc. Compete to see who can walk this way the longest.

Conscious bodybuilding

Do simple physical exercises in the fresh air: bending over, squats, push-ups. Breathe deeply.

Blind Walk

Blindfold your child and lead him by the hand. Have him describe the smells, sounds and sensations.

We teach to look and see

Point to an object and ask the child to draw it from memory, closing his eyes. Compare the drawing with the real object.

Walking with your child is a great opportunity to play, learn and just have fun. Ideas