Guatmeya Method

Gwathmeya method

The Guathmey Method is an anesthesia technique developed by American anesthesiologist John T. Guathmey in the 1920s. This method was developed to relieve pain and anxiety in patients during surgery. It involves using a combination of different drugs and techniques to reduce pain and discomfort during surgery.

One of the main principles of the Guathmey method is that the patient must be calm and relaxed before surgery. Various methods are used for this, such as hypnosis, music and other relaxation techniques. Also, before surgery, the patient is given medications that reduce pain and anxiety.

The Guathmey method has become widespread in the United States and other countries. It has become one of the most popular methods of anesthesia throughout the world.

The name of this amazing man is forever associated with the Great American Civil War. His talents as a surgeon and scientist not only brought him success against enemy soldiers during the war, but also opened the door to the medicine of the future. As a military physician and practicing anesthesiologist, he made invaluable contributions to the understanding of the patient's consciousness and the development of effective anesthesia techniques. Having familiarized ourselves with his method of using anesthetics, we will try to understand the essence of Guatmeya's technique and the most interesting aspects of his work.

Gwathmeya was only one of many military doctors, but he was the one who made the most impression