Habituation, Tolerance

Addiction, Tolerance - a decrease or complete absence of a normal reaction to any medicinal or other substance that causes the manifestation of certain symptoms in the body. For example, drug tolerance can develop as a result of long-term use of a drug. To achieve the effect, the patient has to constantly increase the dose of the drug taken. Some drugs that cause tolerance in a person can also lead to the development of dependence on them. See also Glucose Tolerance Test. Immunological tolerance, Tachyphylaxis.

A person’s tolerant attitude towards something is a phenomenon that has various aspects and manifestations. One of the most important areas where tolerance develops is human health. The body's ability to adapt to certain substances or changes in the environment, such as alcohol, drugs, medications, and psychological factors, is an important condition for maintaining human health and mental well-being. However, when tolerance goes beyond certain limits, it can cause serious problems such as addiction, negative health consequences and social adaptation.

Tolerance is the absence or reduction of a normal physiological, affective, behavioral reaction to some substance. Simply put, we are talking about adaptation when a person takes a constant dose of a drug or other substance and begins to feel normal. When a person continually increases the dosage of a drug and loses sensitivity to it, they are said to have developed tolerance. With this type of tolerance, the levels of drugs or substances will not decrease or will remain the same if you stop taking them.

What causes this type of tolerance? The reasons are different. Often there is a gradual accumulation of some drug or other substance in the body. As a result, its level in the blood no longer rises and it no longer exerts its effect. Besides this, man

Addiction and tolerance are phenomena that occur when taking medications for a long time, as well as when the body is exposed to toxic substances that cause certain symptoms. Both terms can be used interchangeably, however there is a difference between them.

Habituation means a gradual decrease or complete loss of the body's response to an action.