Handakuka - blue fenugreek

This plant is wild and garden; there is also an Egyptian version of it. Bread is made from its seeds and eaten.

Ibn Jurayj says: “Hot, dry is at the limit of the second degree,” and Ibn Masawayh says: “Hot is in the middle of the second, and the heat of the garden seems to be close to the limit of the first degree.”


The garden handakuka is moderately cleansing and drying, while the wild type has an astringent property along with a warming effect. Its oil is used against thick winds.

Wild handakuka, like garden one, is used for freckles.

Wounds and ulcers.
Squeezing garden khandakuk juice with honey cleanses ulcers.

Tools with joints.
Its oil works well for joint pain caused by winds and in cases where there is concern about a chronic disease. Some people have been cured by using fenugreek.

Organs of the head.
If you suck squeezed khandakuk juice into your nose, it causes a headache; it helps someone who often has epileptic seizures.

Organs of the eye.
The squeezed juice of garden khandakuk, especially with honey, is used to reduce eyesores and veils.

Respiratory and chest organs.
Handakuka, especially the wild one, is useful for ribs pain from mucus. It causes sore throat and sore throats, and the damage can be corrected by coriander, lettuce and chicory.

Nutritional organs.
Handakuka is useful for cold and wind pain in the stomach, and its oil is given at the onset of dropsy.

Eruption organs.
Handakuka drives away urine and menstruation, and wild handakuka with wine and mallow seeds is good for bladder pain; Its oil is useful for pain in the testicles and uterus. Wild handakuka helps against haida and strengthens the stomach. Handakuka and its seeds increase lust.

Among other stories, they say that a patient with a three-day fever is given three leaves or three seeds of khandakuk to drink, and this disrupts the timing of fever attacks; for a four-day fever, they give four of this or that, as they want.

If you sprinkle handakuk juice on a place bitten by a scorpion, it immediately stops the pain, and if you sprinkle it on a healthy organ, it causes a burning sensation and pain. Handakuka seeds are more effective in treating scorpion stings than handakuka itself.