Help for the Drowning and Drowned

Water is an element that can be both beneficial and dangerous at the same time. Bathing, swimming and simply being out on the water can be fun and relaxing, but there is always a risk of drowning or drowning. In this article we will talk about how to help a person who finds himself in such a dangerous situation.

How to survive drowning

The human body is lighter than water, so a person, even one who cannot swim, can survive on the water for some time if he falls into it unexpectedly. You just need to keep your head thrown back and your arms extended along your body. In this case, the mouth and nose will be above the water, and the person will be able to breathe. And the deeper he breathes, the longer he can hold the air in himself, the better. If he sticks his hands out of the water, he will immediately plunge into the water with his head, since he will become heavier than the water. You can also stay on your back for some time with your arms extended along your body and your head thrown back.

How to save a drowning person

If a person is drowning near the shore, then you need to throw him something from the linen or a rope, a board, whatever is at hand and that he can grab onto, and drag him by the other end of the object thrown to him. If a person is drowning far from the shore and to save him you need to swim yourself, then you need to do this: swim up to the drowning person and bring your left hand under his left (under his back), hug his body from behind and grab his right hand, then press him to you and swim with him to the shore on your back. If these precautions are not taken, then a drowning person almost always instinctively tries to wrap his arms around his savior and then go to the bottom with him.

How to save a drowned person

If a drowned person was pulled out from the bottom of a river or lake, then first of all it is necessary to free his mouth from mucus, and then bring him to his senses by performing artificial respiration. As soon as he comes to his senses, you need to rub him well to increase blood circulation, and put bottles of hot water at his feet and give him a hot drink. In drowned people, death spots appear first on the head, neck and upper chest and are gray in color. Then they turn red, then green. By the color of these spots you can always determine when