
Chemotaxis (from the ancient Greek χημεία - chemistry and τάξις - structure, order) is the directed movement of cells and single-celled organisms along the concentration gradient of chemical substances.

Chemotaxis is one of the forms of taxis - the movement of organisms in response to stimuli. In the case of chemotaxis, the driving force is the concentration gradient of chemical substances.

Cells and microorganisms are able to determine the direction of the concentration gradient of a substance and move towards its increase (positive chemotaxis) or decrease (negative chemotaxis).

Chemotaxis plays an important role in processes such as the movement of sperm to the egg, the navigation of immune cells to pathogens, and the search for food by single-celled organisms. Studying the mechanisms of chemotaxis is important for understanding many biological processes.

Chemotaxis is the movement of a cell or organism along a chemical concentration gradient in response to a stimulating effect.

Chemotaxis plays an important role in many biological processes. For example, immune cells use chemotaxis to move to the site of infection. Sex cells also use chemotaxis to find each other. First settler cells move during embryogenesis due to chemotactic signals.

Molecules that cause a chemotactic response are called chemoattractants. They bind to receptors on the cell surface and trigger intracellular signaling pathways, which result in directed cell movement. In bacteria, chemotaxis is mediated by methyl-acceptor chemotaxis receptor proteins. In eukaryotes, chemotaxis involves G protein-coupled receptors.

Chemotaxis is the process of movement of cells or organisms towards the source of a chemical signal. This phenomenon was discovered in the 19th century, but only in the 20th century was it studied in more detail.

A chemotactic factor is a chemical substance that can be either natural or artificial. Natural chemotactic factors can be found in the environment, such as air or water. Artificial chemotactic factors can be created in the laboratory to study this phenomenon.

When a cell or organism detects a chemotactic factor, they begin to move in its direction. This occurs due to the fact that the chemotactic factor binds to receptors on the cell surface. The receptors are activated and transmit a signal inside the cell that causes it to move.

There are several types of chemotaxis. For example, chemotaxis can be positive, when the cell moves towards the chemotactic factor, or negative, when the cell moves away from it. There is also chemotactic migration, where cells move through space following a gradient of chemotactic factors.

Chemotaxis plays an important role in the development and functioning of many organisms. For example, it is used for cell migration during wound healing and for the migration of white blood cells to the site of inflammation. Chemotaxis is also used in medicine to deliver drugs to specific areas of the body.

In conclusion, chemotaxis is an important process in the life of organisms that allows cells and organisms to navigate their environment and move in the desired direction. Studying this phenomenon helps to better understand the mechanisms of development and functioning of organisms and can lead to new discoveries in medicine and biotechnology.

Article about Chemotactic exit. Why is it important? -------------------- The existence of living organisms largely depends on the ability to move. Movement can ensure that all living organisms exist in a given habitat, self-regulation and the formation of new individuals. This movement in invertebrate organisms is carried out with the help and expense of the locomotor organs. In multicellular organisms, it is necessary to have specialized cells - muscle cells, which set the body in motion through contractions. Muscles carry the most important energy load and perform functions determined by the vital needs of the body. At the present stage of evolution, the majority of all types of organisms have a muscle sac capable of contraction. In turn, muscle tissue is closely connected with nerve fibers in the body. The nervous system is one of the main characteristics of highly developed living creatures. It is the nervous system that carries out the function that controls the movement of the body shell - both the contraction of muscle fibers and the respiratory organs, etc.

Chemotactic cells ---------------------- As is known, nerve cells (neurocytes) actively participate in the exchange of substances between the body and the external environment. Under the control of the nervous system, metabolism with body tissues is carried out. Nerve signals ensure the constancy of the internal environment of the body (homeostasis), maintaining the required body temperature, homeostasis is the ability of some cells to maintain a constant concentration of glucose and sugar ions