Healing Music

The influence of music on the human body was known long before the emergence of the science of psychology. Moreover, the phenomenon itself is much older than the human race. Repeated observations of biologists, ethologists and zoopsychologists confirm that monkeys, bears and some other animals can quite consciously calm themselves down or, conversely, excite themselves by rhythmically knocking with a stick on some echoing object (for example, a hollow trunk) or on split wood (especially these are our brown bears).

In the late 80s, it was convincingly shown that listening to classical music by tomato seedlings (!) accelerates its growth by approximately thirty percent. It also increases its (seedlings) resistance to various diseases!

Probably the most ancient mechanism of the influence of music on living systems is the synchronization (or desynchronization) of musical rhythms and the internal biorhythms of the body. It is no coincidence that primitive tribes and not very developed teenagers categorically prefer a rhythm consisting of practically one or many overlapping rhythms. In addition, there is no doubt about the synchronization and accumulation of this rhythm in the crowd (at a rock concert, in a herd, at a tribal festival). It will be useful for teenagers to know that groups of young dog-headed monkeys (baboons, hamadryas, etc.) like to bang sticks together. This is very their... And then, by the way, they go to the older monkeys to bully or pester the females... Does this remind you of anything?

In the process of further evolution, the perception of music becomes more subtle and goes through a relatively young (in evolutionary terms) emotional system. Music affects a person’s emotional state - everyone knows this. It can soothe and excite, soften and harden, evoke memories, console pain, increase aggression... Long before psychology, medicine became interested in this property of music. Hippocrates also advised treating hysteria by listening to the flute. In the Middle Ages, music was used to treat paralysis and even stop internal bleeding.

Regarding children. Music occupies a very important place in the world of a very young child. While he still speaks poorly and understands little from the speech of the people around him, music is the most important channel of information and communication. It is no coincidence that most children, even before the appearance of speech, when listening to music, try (draw out vowels or syllables) and (make rhythmic movements). The best thing adults can do in this case is to sing and dance along with them. This truly delights children - they are understood.

The more good music a child listens to before speech appears, the richer his inner world, his emotional life. It is especially constructive to listen to music with parents so that the child can feel the feelings that music evokes in them. Hard rock and other marginal styles are contraindicated for young children.

The explanation is very simple. In the early nineties, through biochemical research, it was shown that the rhythms of hard rock cause the synthesis of very complex organic substances in the brain, the effect of which is similar to that of drugs. The habit of this over time leads to the usual physiological dependence, i.e. a person needs to listen to THIS again and again. And he no longer wants to listen to anything else, and he cannot, because...

Subsequently, when the child begins to talk and understand the text, it is very cool if the family has a tape recorder and cassettes with musical fairy tales or children's songs (there used to be corresponding records). These cassettes are sold in abundance and most children willingly listen to them. It is very useful to play cassettes or CDs with folk music for young children. It is very archetypal (that is, it acts on the subconscious) and, as a rule, carries a deep positive charge. In addition, it is very suitable for children