Hermaphrodite False

Hermaphrodite and pseudohermaphrodite

**Hermaphrodite** is a condition where a person has ovaries and/or male gonads **(testicles).** **Pseudohermaphroditism is **a gender disorder in which a person has both male and female gonads organs. People who experience problems in this area often encounter difficulties during medical examinations and treatment. The question of what a hermaphrodite is is quite simple, but the question of pseudohermaphrodite arises much less frequently. However, it is important to note that any person, regardless of gender and sexuality, should have the right to health and medical care. Some people may experience genital infections or other diseases related to their genitals. In this case, your doctor may suggest surgery to treat an infection or other condition. Surgery may be necessary for most genital surgeries, especially when correction of congenital abnormalities is required. Surgeries may also be necessary for hermaphroditism and other deviations from the norm of sexual development. In general, if you need any medical attention in the genital area, see your doctor to find out what procedures and surgeries you may need.