
Histoautoradiography is a research method in biology and medicine that allows you to determine the localization of radioactively labeled substances in tissues and cells.

The essence of the method is as follows: a radioactively labeled substance is introduced into the body or isolated tissues, which is included in metabolic processes in cells. Tissue sections are then made and placed on X-ray film. Radioactive radiation develops the film, and it produces an image of a section on which areas of localization of the radioactive substance are visible.

Thus, histoautoradiography makes it possible to very accurately determine the distribution of various substances in cells and tissues. This is a very important method for studying metabolism in the body under normal conditions and pathology.

Histoautoradiography is also called autohistoradiography, historadiography or histoautoradiography.

Histoautoradiography is a **method for a comprehensive study of the histological structure and enzyme-linked immunosorbent determination of the content of individual proteins in tissues using the radioactive labeling method**. Histoautorodography is a special case of autoradiography and belongs to a new category of **radiocytological methods.** It can serve as the basis for the development of a new direction in