Histoid leprosy

History of the disease Leprosy is a chronic skin disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae. It is characterized by the formation of small spots on the skin, which over time turn into ulcers and scars. Leprosy has been around for thousands of years and is known by many names such as “butcher” and “enemy.”

Lepromatous or histoid form The histoid or lepromatous form is the most severe form of leprosy, which is characterized by multicellular skin lesions. Diagnosed on the basis of symptoms and signs - especially the presence of multiple large ulcers or ulcers with jagged edges, multiple nodular leprosy (2 mm to 3 mm). It is also possible that chronic diseases such as arthritis, hearing loss, vision loss and other complications may occur. Treatment of leprosy is medication; in severe cases, surgery can also be used. The course of therapy may