House Fly

The house fly is a small insect that is a common pest in households. It has an oblong body about 2-3 mm long and wings that allow it to move quickly. The house fly feeds on the blood of animals and humans, and also feeds on food and various organic substances.

House flies are one of the most common pests in homes and buildings. It can enter rooms through open windows, doors and cracks. In addition, flies are attracted to a variety of odors, including garbage, food, and sweat. Flies can damage food, especially perishable foods such as fruits and vegetables. They can also carry diseases such as tuberculosis, diarrhea and hepatitis.

To prevent flies in your home, you need to keep the area clean and close windows and vents after eating. You can also use special fly control products such as sticky tape, traps and chemical baits. If flies appear indoors, the source of their presence should be removed to stop the reproduction of insects.