How My Baby (Sasha) Was Born

Today I want to tell the story of how baby Sasha was born. This is the story of a young mother who decided to share her impressions of how her birth went.

So, the deadline was August 20, and the doctor advised the young mother to go to the maternity hospital on the 14th. When she arrived there, checked in and got into the ward, it turned out that there were already two girls there who were also preparing for childbirth. They were on their second child, and the young mother was pregnant for the first time.

Nurses and doctors ran between patients, and when the young mother finally managed to ask for an examination, she was informed that she had only two hours to rest, and then, if the pain did not go away, she would be sent for an enema and to the labor and delivery floor.

The young mother was scared, but still decided to try to rest. However, she was unable to sleep, and two hours later she asked for an enema and went to the maternity floor.

There she was put on an IV, given an injection and contractions began. At first they were not very strong, but over time they intensified. The young mother tried not to scream, but she still screamed a couple of times.

At 6 a.m. her blood pressure spiked to 190 and she asked for an epidural. Despite the fact that she was dissuaded, she insisted on her own, and a few minutes later she was given an injection. After this, the contractions became less painful, and the young mother was able to give birth to her son in a few minutes.

Baby Sasha was healthy, and mom was happy when she saw him on her belly. After that, they stitched her up a little, and she remained in the maternity hospital for a while to recover.

Thus, the story of how baby Sasha was born is an excellent example of how pregnancy and childbirth can be both scary and exciting, but also beautiful and memorable for a lifetime.