How to Add Variety to Sexual Intercourse?

Many people stick to certain patterns of sexual intercourse and rarely deviate from them. However, this approach can lead to fatigue and reduced pleasure from intimate life. In this article we will look at several ways to help add variety to sexual intercourse.

  1. Experiment with poses

One of the easiest ways to add variety to sexual intercourse is to experiment with positions. You can try new positions or change the angle of penetration. This will help you experience new sensations and have more fun.

  1. Use sex toys

Using sex toys can be a great way to add variety to sexual intercourse. You can try different types of toys such as vibrators, penis attachments, vaginal balls, and others. This will help you and your partner experience new sensations and get more pleasure.

  1. Study your partner's body

Exploring your partner's body can help you understand what your partner likes and what brings them the most pleasure. You can ask your partner to show you what kind of movements and touches he likes, and follow his instructions.

  1. Chat with your partner

Communication with your partner is a key aspect of a healthy sex life. You can discuss your fantasies, preferences and expectations with your partner. This will help you understand each other better and create an atmosphere of trust and respect.

  1. Change the scenery

Changing your environment can also be a great way to add variety to sexual intercourse. You can try having sex in another room or even outside the home, such as in a hotel or outdoors. This will help you experience new sensations and have more fun.


Adding variety to sexual intercourse is an important aspect of a healthy sex life. You can experiment with positions, use sex toys, explore your partner's body, communicate with him and change the environment. The main thing is not to be afraid and be open to new experiences and sensations.