How to deal with a hangover. Show business stars share secrets

How to deal with a hangover. Show business stars share secrets

The holidays are just around the corner. Many of you probably noticed this by celebrating the New Year ahead of schedule with your employees... And also had an excellent opportunity to remind yourself and your body how cruelly alcohol affects it. An old Ukrainian proverb says: “Too much is not healthy!” Sometimes it is better to listen to folk wisdom.
It’s especially unpleasant when a fairy tale turns into an insignificant tragedy in the morning, your head becomes cast iron, and your body rushes around the apartment like a breeze. No! Things won’t work out that way... Sooner or later, you always need to be able to come to your senses and take active action in the fight against global intoxication and its evil companion - a hangover.

Since all representatives of the star party are also people and they celebrate holidays worse than ordinary mortals, and also several times, since their circle of friends is simply limitless. Many of them have long studied the principles of dealing with a hangover and learned to hide their weaknesses in front of fans and the press. But there are also those who are not ashamed to notice their sins and now want to share with you not only life-giving recipes, but also their alcoholic addictions.

Let's start with Dima Malikov. This is one of the few domestic artists who does not have a “craving” for alcoholic beverages. Until the age of twenty-three, in all companies, instead of wine, he held a glass of juice or mineral water in his hands. And only recently has he begun to allow himself champagne, after which he feels very, very good, and he doesn’t have to get hungover at all. True, he remembered his father’s advice: a cup of coffee with a teaspoon of salt - and run to the toilet!

But Vladimir Kuzmin prefers to “straighten his head” with his native Russian vodka, which is a sin to dilute with any surrogates. In general, a couple of glasses of “Kristall” in the morning, well, and a beer at worst, and go ahead “with a fresh head.”

Despite the fact that Marina Khlebnikova sings about “A Glass of Brandy,” real cognac seems much tastier to her. In the song, everything ends with serious intoxication, but, in fact, Marina never suffers from this, because she usually drinks juice, and drinks cognac only when she doesn’t feel very well, and perceives it not as drink, but as medicine.

Boris Grebenshchikov recommends the old Russian “brush” method. A little radish, horseradish, finely chopped onion and garlic are grated into cucumber brine or kvass. And all this is drunk at once.

Well, Valery Meladze is often a toastmaster at Georgian feasts, so he drinks often. “Fortunately, my body is adapted to rapid regeneration, so I don’t have a hangover, although my head may hurt a little,” the singer admits. “And my face never swells. I have my own methods to remove the consequences of drinking. For example. , in the morning, alternately apply a hot and cold towel to your face. And yet, I always try to limit myself. I have several ways to sip or quickly remove alcohol from the body. For example, after a noisy evening, you drink two aspirin tablets before bed and thoroughly steam it under hot water. shower."

Irochka Saltykova always drinks only good, expensive dry red or white wine. At the same time, Irina assures that she never has a hangover even after the wildest parties.

And Larisa Dolina, who is always losing weight, loves only Chilean or Californian dry white wine. Larisa's husband Ilya Spitsyn says that the singer does not have particularly wild parties, so she does not have to improve her health. Larisa is very careful about alcoholic beverages and never drinks too much.

Presenter Dana Borisova convinces everyone that she is also a girl who doesn’t drink much, but her