How to recognize a dangerous mole?

Melanoma, one of the most insidious oncological diseases, can be successfully treated if its onset of transformation into a malignant tumor is recognized in time. However, in order to detect such changes in a timely manner, it is necessary to pay attention to several important factors.

Firstly, a large number of moles on the skin is already evidence of an increased risk. Studies show that having 50 moles increases the risk of melanoma by 1.5 times, and 100 moles increases the risk of melanoma by 2 times. Therefore, it is important to know how many moles you have on your body and monitor their condition.

Secondly, special attention should be paid to hereditary moles, which have a characteristic fried egg shape. Such moles are characterized by a dark center and a light circle around them. Owners of such moles are at 50 times greater risk of developing melanoma than those who do not have hereditary moles. Doctors recommend prophylactically removing such moles to prevent their possible degeneration.

You should also pay attention to moles that are located in areas of possible injury, for example, under bra straps, chains or collars. These moles can become damaged and inflamed, increasing the risk of developing melanoma. Therefore, it is recommended to get rid of such spots.

It is important to note that independent attempts to get rid of moles, for example, by rubbing with pharmaceutical ointments or tying with thread, are unacceptable. When removing a mole, it is important to preserve its integrity and send it for histological analysis to accurately determine its nature.

Now let’s look at the main signs that will help you recognize a dangerous mole, which you should immediately consult a doctor about.

  1. Asymmetry: A typical mole should be symmetrical, meaning its halves should be mirror images of each other. If a mole has an uneven shape or asymmetrical structure, this may be a sign of the beginning of degeneration.

  2. Smooth edges: A healthy mole usually has smooth, crisp edges. If the edges of a mole are uneven, blurred, or jagged, this may indicate a possible danger.

  3. Discoloration: Keep an eye on the color of your moles. If a mole becomes significantly darker or dotted or irregular inclusions of a different color appear, this may be an alarming symptom. Any unusual changes in the color of a mole require the attention of a specialist.

  4. Increase in size: Pay attention to the size of the mole. The larger it is, the higher the likelihood of its malignant degeneration. You can calculate the total size of moles by adding their sizes together.

  5. Dynamics of changes: It is very important to monitor the dynamics of the condition of moles. If a mole changes over time, such as getting larger, changing shape, color, or other unusual signs, this could be a warning sign. If you notice any changes, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

It is important to remember that self-diagnosis and self-medication can be dangerous. If you have any suspicions or concerns about a mole, it is best to see a dermatologist or oncologist for a professional evaluation and consultation. Early detection and treatment of melanoma play a decisive role in the successful outcome of the fight against this disease.
