How to restore lost energy. Proper diet

How to restore lost energy. The right diet.

If in the morning you literally drag yourself out of bed by your hair, you can’t open your eyes until you drink several liters of coffee, and you don’t go to work, but literally crawl, then you need to immediately switch to an “energy diet.” Instead of artificially energizing yourself with caffeine and sweets, choose healthy foods and restore lost energy! Here's how this diet works:

The right combination of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, consumed at regular intervals, will maintain vital energy at a high level. This diet includes meals specially selected to maintain proper energy levels throughout the day. If you eat right throughout the day, you can maintain your blood sugar levels so that you don't experience energy spikes in your body.

The meal plan includes delicious meals, and you should eat every three to four hours. You should not forget about drinks so that dehydration does not manifest itself through fatigue and poor health. That is why the diet includes fruit juices and skim milk. Avoid carbonated drinks with high sugar content - they can only lower your energy levels.

Fatty foods will make you sluggish, lazy and sleepy. The scheme proposed below emphasizes fresh vegetables and fruits.


First option

plain low-fat yogurt, fresh berries
half a glass of orange juice

Second option

two-egg omelette with low-fat cheese, fresh vegetables, lean ham or turkey
wholemeal toast with fruit jelly
half a glass of grapefruit juice

Third option

oatmeal with skim milk and banana slices
wholemeal toast with peanut butter
half a glass of tomato juice


First option

vegetable soup
wholemeal bread toast with low-fat processed cheese
half a grapefruit
glass of skim milk

Second option

wholemeal toast with turkey
spinach salad with low-fat dressing
glass of skim milk

Third option

wholemeal toast with a piece of grilled chicken
fresh tomato salad
glass of skim milk


First option

steamed halibut fillet
baked potatoes with low-fat processed cheese or sour cream
boiled cauliflower or broccoli
glass of skim milk

Second option

portioned piece of grilled beef
pasta and fresh vegetable salad
steamed spinach
glass of skim milk

Third option

baked chicken piece with rice
fresh spinach salad
two plums
glass of skim milk

Light snacks/snacks throughout the day:

If you get hungry during the day, after breakfast, lunch and dinner you can have a snack using one of the options below. Remember: you need to eat every three to four hours throughout the day.

  1. half a cup of dried fruits and a quarter cup of nuts
  2. apple with peanut butter
  3. banana with peanut butter
  4. orange slices and a piece of low-fat cheese
  5. glass of skim milk
  6. half a lean turkey sandwich on wholemeal bread
  7. half a plate of tomato, pea and cucumber salad
  8. boiled egg and a piece of wholemeal bread
  9. half a glass of soft cheese with pineapple pieces
  10. a glass of plain yogurt

Do's and don'ts of the energy diet:


  1. drink plenty of fluids
  2. take multivitamins
  3. eat wholemeal bread
  4. Limit alcohol consumption (no more than one cocktail per day)