How to Resist Baby Tears

Many women prefer to teach their children to be smart with shouts, prohibitions, even spanking, being confident that their child will finally stop misbehaving. But, in fact, such methods are unlikely to achieve a positive result. Throwing rude words and threats that still do not bring any sense, parents attack the child himself, rather than eliminating the problem.

Under no circumstances should you yell at your child, much less hit him. Firstly, the fear that arises, according to many psychologists, contributes to the development in a child of a cruel attitude towards the world around him, the idea that everything can be achieved by force, and the parent’s reputation as an authority can be hopelessly damaged in children’s eyes. But you shouldn’t indulge your child’s whims either, because... this contributes to the fact that he gets used to always insisting on his own in exactly this way.

Therefore, first of all, find out the reason for the whims, and if the baby is wrong, try to calmly reprimand him, influencing only his conscience, but without awakening feelings of fear in him.

Remember that a child begins to be capricious, most often, only if there is a good reason, for example:

  1. desire to attract the attention of others. Attention to children is vital. Without constant connection with others, he ceases to feel that he exists. And therefore, even a negative reaction from adults is better for him than indifference;

  2. ordinary ignorance of other ways to ask for something or call someone. It is quite possible that the child developed a reflex associated with the fact that in early childhood people approached him and began to fuss only after prolonged squeals. Therefore, gradually the child unconsciously begins to use screaming as his weapon;

  3. Children are not able to control emotions as well as adults. Therefore, a whim may well appear for natural reasons: the child is hungry, tired, wants to go to the toilet...

Do not rush to take any measures until you find out the true cause of the whim.

If a child does not want to obey at all and, having fallen into hysterics, bangs his hands and feet on the floor, I suggest one good way to calm him down without shouting or indulging: try to shut up and go to another room. Believe me, this is the worst punishment for a child. Soon the confused baby will come running to you and, for sure, will start asking some questions. Try to ignore him until he realizes his mistake and corrects it. And he will definitely do this, because children are ready to do anything to start talking to them again.

How can you not scold him if you tell him the same thing a hundred times, but he still doesn’t listen! - you exclaim.

Try to approach this problem from a different angle. Firstly, children should not be unreasonably prohibited from doing anything, since the desire to know the world at their tender age is very great. And if you say, for example: “Don’t put your fingers in the socket,” the child will immediately begin to be tormented by incredible curiosity. He will definitely want to know what is so interesting about it.

But you shouldn’t intimidate children too much - a phobia may develop.

Since you will not be able to explain to your baby what electricity is and how dangerous it is, in such cases you should choose other methods. The child needs to be distracted, and in case of a threat to life and health, simply exclude the possibility of access to dangerous objects.

Another way of influencing is to evoke pity in the child: Please pick up the candy wrapper, otherwise I will be upset and cry. As a last resort, you can laugh at him or say the phrase: If you bite your nails, you can become a laughing stock. Of course, the child will think about it and, most likely, correct the mistake.

All mothers want their children to be happy, many spoil their children, and some even constantly walk with them by the hand. However, such parental behavior is unlikely to have a good effect