From Empty to Empty

From Empty to Empty: How playing with water helps develop quantitative concepts in children

Children love to play with water and it is one of the most popular activities during bath time. Their interest in this game lies in the opportunity to pour water from one vessel to another and observe the change in its shape and condition. However, besides pleasure, this game has another important meaning - it helps to develop quantitative concepts in children.

The famous child psychologist Jean Piaget believes that children develop quantitative concepts very slowly. This means that they can claim that a tall, narrow pint bottle contains more water than a pint jar, even if they pour water from the bottle to the jar several times. Quantitative concepts develop with age, and this process cannot be accelerated. However, children who have extensive practical experience playing with different volumes of water learn these concepts faster.

Therefore, playing with water, such as pouring water from one container to another, can be very useful for developing quantitative concepts in children. Give your baby plastic jugs and bottles in different colors and sizes. From time to time, replace some vessels with others, changing their shape and size. This will help the child better understand how the volume of water changes depending on the shape and size of the vessel.

Additionally, playing with water can be very fun and interesting for children. For example, you can create a doll bath by giving your child a large rubber doll and a sponge. Let him thoroughly wash every part of her body, commenting in detail on his every action. At the same time, you gently rub the same parts of his body. This will help the child not only develop quantitative concepts, but also improve motor skills, coordination and develop speech.

You can also create a children's corner in the bathroom, where several plastic frogs, fish or small dolls will have a festive tea party. Give your child toy cups, saucers and glasses so that he can properly treat his guests. This game will help develop social skills and learn to communicate, as well as improve imagination and imagination.

Thus, playing with water can be very beneficial for children's development. They help develop quantitative concepts, improve motor skills, coordination, speech, social skills, imagination and fantasy. Therefore, let's not forget about such simple, but important and interesting activities for our kids. And remember that playing with water can not only be useful, but also very fun and memorable for the whole family.