Hurricanes, storms, tornadoes

A hurricane is a wind of enormous destructive power (more than 30 m/sec) and significant duration. Varieties of a hurricane are a storm and a tornado.
Brown - are divided into vortex, dust and flow; wind speeds during storms reach 20-30 m/sec.
Tornadoes are a vortex movement of air that occurs in a thundercloud and spreads in the form of a huge black sleeve or trunk, rarefied inside. The diameter of the trunk at the base can reach 30 meters, height - 800-1500 m.
Hurricane wind destroys strong and demolishes light structures, destroys power and communication poles, trees, damages highways and bridges, utility electrical systems, which leads to casualties. So, first of all, measures are being taken to protect the population and provide assistance to the victims.
Specialized units, medical workers and the local population are taking part in the liquidation of the consequences of the hurricane.
Information about the approach of a hurricane is provided by hydrometeorological service agencies. Specialized formations and the population, after being notified of the possibility of a hurricane, storm, tornado, begin to take the necessary precautions:
• strengthening of structures, buildings, various types of con
• closing windows, doors, roofs;
• removal of objects that can injure
of people;
• transfer of people to shelter or withdrawal
them in an open space, protected from the wind
the terrain of the place;
• transportation of farm animals without
oven places.