Poisoning caused by snake bites

Poisonous snakes include snake, viper, cobra and others. The nature of poisoning depends on the dose of poison and the location of the bite. The most dangerous bites are in the head and neck area near large blood vessels.
Signs of poisoning
• pain at the site of the bite;
• swelling, hemorrhage;
• blisters sometimes form;
• weakness, breathing problems;
• headache;
• nausea;
• increase in body temperature.

1. Follow the Basic Principles of Delivery
first aid training.
2. Help the victim find a comfortable position.
First aid for snake bites
not position, if possible, lower the bitten limb below the level of the heart.
3. Apply cold to the bite site.
4. Calm the victim.
The victim must be taken to the hospital.
Do not try to suck out the poison with your mouth, do not apply a tourniquet.