Making a decision to transport the victim

Never transport a victim whose condition is critical or likely to worsen. Traveling in a car can aggravate your injury. Call an ambulance instead. If you are confident that the victim's injuries are minor and there is no threat to moving them, or if you are in a remote area, you should consider
transporting the victim to a doctor or hospital.
Having decided to transport the victim yourself, ask someone to accompany you. Along the way, the patient may need help, so you need to constantly monitor his condition. Do not allow the victim to drive and go to the hospital unaccompanied. If he becomes ill along the way, this will create a dangerous situation both for himself and for those around him.
After you have examined the scene of the incident, received consent to provide first aid, conducted a primary examination and, if necessary, called an ambulance, you can begin a secondary examination of the victim.