
A natural disaster is a natural phenomenon that occurs suddenly and leads to a sharp disruption of the normal activities of the population, damage and death of people, and destruction of material assets.
Each natural disaster has its own physical essence, its own unique causes of occurrence, driving forces, nature and stages of development, and its own characteristics of impact on the environment. At the same time, a natural disaster is characterized by common features: a large spatial scope, a significant impact on the environment, a strong psychological impact on people, and more.
Knowledge of the causes and nature of a natural disaster makes it possible to take measures in advance to prevent the severe consequences of some of them or to weaken the force of their destructive effect and destructive impact on people. In many cases, this will be facilitated by the correct, reasonable behavior of people during a natural disaster, the specific implementation of measures to eliminate the consequences by specialized units and individual medical workers.
Experience shows that where a natural disaster is confronted with high level of organization, clear, well-thought-out measures of specialized emergency rescue units, combined with skillful actions of medical workers and the population who know how to behave in extreme conditions, follow the rules of behavior, and show organization, it is possible to achieve significant reduction in human losses and property damage.
A special role is played by timely information about the possibility of occurrence or the beginning of a natural disaster, its nature. This will allow you to take timely measures to preserve your life and the lives of others.
The most common natural disasters that occur suddenly and occur instantly are earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and villages.