
Hydrocalycosis is a condition that is associated with the expansion of the kidney cups and diapers, which can lead to impaired kidney function. Hydrocalycosis is synonymous with the term calicoectasia, which is also used to describe this condition.

Calicoectasia occurs as a result of obstruction of the urinary tract, which leads to increased pressure in the kidney cups and diapers. This can be caused by a variety of reasons, including kidney stones, tumors, urinary tract strictures and other conditions.

Symptoms of hydrocalycosis may include lower back pain, nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure and other signs of kidney dysfunction. Various methods are used for diagnosis, including ultrasound, computed tomography and other studies.

Treatment for hydrocalycosis depends on the cause of its occurrence. In some cases, surgery may be required to remove obstructions in the urinary tract. In other cases, medications may be prescribed to treat infections and other underlying conditions.

Overall, hydrocalycosis can lead to serious consequences for kidney health and requires prompt medical attention. If you have symptoms related to kidney dysfunction, consult a urologist or nephrologist.

Hydrocalycosis is a liver disease that can lead to serious complications if left untreated. It is characterized by an increase in liver volume due to impaired bile outflow. In this article we will talk about the causes, symptoms and treatment methods of hydrocalycosis.

Causes of hydrolysis One of the causes of hydrolysis is a slowdown in the release of bile from the liver into the intestines. This can be caused by various factors, such as insufficient water intake, insufficient levels of hormones that regulate the process of bile production, liver or pancreas disease.

Symptoms of hydrocalyx The first symptoms of hydrocalyx usually appear unnoticed by the patient. However, over time, symptoms appear such as: * Yellowness of the skin and eyes * Pain in the right side * Nausea and vomiting * Bitterness in the mouth * Dark urine

How to treat hydrocalycosis? Treatment for hydrokaliosis depends on its severity. In the early stages, drug therapy can be used, which includes taking drugs that improve bile production and reduce pressure in the lymphatic system. It is also recommended to drink enough fluids