
Microgyria is a defect in the development of the brain, in which its convolutions are very small, and noticeable structural abnormalities are observed in the cerebral cortex.

This defect in brain development occurs in the early stages of the embryonic period and is associated with a disruption in the migration of neurons during the formation of the cerebral cortex. As a result, the cerebral cortex acquires an uneven structure with a simplified pattern of convolutions.

The main causes of microgyria:

  1. Genetic mutations
  2. Intrauterine infections
  3. Toxic effects during pregnancy
  4. Fetal circulatory disorders

Clinical manifestations of microgyria include delayed psychomotor and speech development, mental retardation, seizures, visual and hearing impairment. The severity of symptoms depends on the location and severity of the brain defect.

This defect in brain development is accompanied by a pronounced delay in the physical and mental development of a person. Treatment of microgyria is mainly symptomatic and aimed at correcting neurological and mental disorders. The prognosis depends on the degree of brain damage.

Microgyria is a defect in brain development that is characterized by very small gyri and noticeable structural abnormalities in the cerebral cortex. This defect is accompanied by a pronounced delay in physical and mental development in humans.

Microgyria occurs as a result of genetic disorders or exposure to harmful factors on the fetus during pregnancy. As a result of this process, abnormal brain development occurs, which leads to the appearance of microgyria.

Symptoms of microgyria can appear at an early age, when the child begins to talk and walk. Such children often experience delays in the development of speech, motor coordination, and social adaptation. They may be less active and slower than their peers.

Treatment for microgyria can be complex and depends on the severity of the disease. In some cases, surgery may be required to remove damaged areas of the brain. Medications can also be used to improve brain activity and correct behavioral disorders.

Overall, microgyria is a serious developmental defect that requires constant monitoring and treatment. However, despite all the difficulties, many people with microgyria successfully adapt to life and achieve high results in various areas of activity.

Microgyria is a disorder of brain development. It is one of the GM anomalies included in Angelman syndrome and hydrocephalus, which are hereditary.

The anomaly is absent in healthy people, but it can be detected during other diseases and is a concomitant symptom of the following: - Mental retardation; - Pituitary dystrophy; - Insufficient development of the heart; Microgyria has a negative effect on the fetal head. The disturbances are expressed in a decrease in convolutions due to damage to the structure of the brain. The tissue can undergo destruction under the influence of external pressure. This causes its thinning and leads to the breakdown of interneuron connections.

Microgria indicates genetic disorders, as it is a consequence of mutations in genes. If the pregnant mother is a carrier of the defect, the child has inherited a chromosome with an abnormal structure. In such cases we are talking about carrier state.

Compared to other micropolias, microgyria presents more severe cases. The following symptoms indicate an anomaly:

deformation of the head shape of newborns, if the mother suffered from this pathology during pregnancy; uneven size and configuration of the brain hemispheres; difficulties with perception of information and speech in patients; dysfunction of reflex systems, in particular paresis; significant decrease in cognitive abilities; performance disorders; tremor of the limbs. If you delay in identifying the disease, significant health consequences and the development of other pathologies are possible. Affected people may have a chance to live up to a maximum of 40 years. Despite the fact that the restoration of microgyria does not guarantee a normal life, in many cases people remain able to work.

It is also important to know how the anomaly is inherited according to an autosomal dominant principle. However, there is a hereditary predisposition to the development of the disease. The anomaly is caused by a disruption of the normal process of myelination of nervous tissue in the brain, which entails difficulties with the formation of functional zones. When influenced by a factor such as microgyria, the following suffer:

functional ability of cells of the central nervous system; memory, ability to think logically, sequence of various operations; coordination of movements; emotional balance.